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Mapping aspects

Learn the main aspects that make up a map


There are some common traits for every map that enhance the gameplay experience, which are:

  • Execution: The player's perspective of a map.
  • (Song) Representation: The mapper's perspective of a map.
  • Creativity: How innovative a map is.

Finding the right balance between the three is key to approach mapping as a whole. From a general standpoint, Execution > Representation > Creativity, but this depends on each mapper.


This concept encompasses every in-game aspect of a map:

  • Patterns: The note distribution throughout the map.
  • Flow: The way the player is required to move to beat the map.
  • Difficulty: How easy/hard the map is to beat.

This article explains this concept in depth.

Song Representation

This concept refers to everything that can be seen in the editor:

  • Sync: How the notes in the map correspond to the sounds in the song.
  • Structure: How each pattern in the song is represented.
  • Emphasis: How noticeable each pattern in the song should be.

This article explains this concept in depth.


This concept focuses on finding ideas for maps and their further development during map making.

This article explains this concept in depth.

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