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Learn how skillsets work in Rhythia


A skillset is the ability to perform better in certain scenarios, usually as a consequence of practicing certain types of maps. It's based on a series of more general skills, associated with rhythm games:

  • Stamina: The ability to keep playing without becoming drained.
  • Control: The ability to adjust your cursor speed with ease.
  • Aim: The ability to hit patterns precisely.
  • Flow: The ability to adjust your cursor movement with ease.
  • Reading: The ability to understand patterns just by looking at them easily.
  • Consistency: The ability to keep your skill level consistent for long periods of time.

Types, patterns and required skills

Here's a list with all the available skillsets:

  • Flicks/Jumps: Notes far across enough from one another (at least, 2 blocks)
  • Stacks: Groups of notes stacked behind each other.
  • Spirals/Streams: Long sequences of notes close to one another.
  • Spins: Notes arranged in any type of way that can be hit with a spinning motion.
  • Slides: Short sequences of notes close to one another.
  • Tech: A map section that uses more technical patterns.
  • Stamina A map section that goes on long enough to wear down your physical stamina.
  • Bursts: Patterns which are generally faster than the map's current pace.
  • Offgrid: Notes which are outside the regular 3x3 play area, thus looking smaller ingame.
  • Quantum: Notes which don't follow the guidelines of the typical 3x3 grid.
  • Vibros: Repetitive jumps which are relatively fast compared to the map's pace.
  • Consistency: A map section that focuses on keeping your aim consistent.
  • Reading: A map section which is hard to read.
  • Timing: A map section that focuses on strict measuring and tricky rhythms.
  • Unconventional: A map section that has some very unique pattern usage.
  • Gimmick: A map section (or an entire map) that has some very specific pattern usage.


The more requirements a map has, the harder it will usually be, regardless of BPM. For example:

  • Livin' la ViDRRR Loca has a rating around 40* (9.24* on PPv1)
  • Kyu-kurarin (7_7 Bootleg) has a star rating around 60* (11.09* on PPv1) Both maps have a similar BPM, but Kyu-kurarin also includes more skillsets (7) than Livin' la ViDRRR Loca (3).

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